

Water, source of our life and development

È l'acqua il soggetto delle oltre 100 fotografie di Salvino Campos raccolte in questo volume: fonte di vita, ma anche potenza incontrollabile che può diventare catastrofica. Un percorso suggestivo che consentirà al lettore di ammirare alcune tra le più stupefacenti manifestazioni naturali e artificiali legate a questo elemento - dalle cascate del Niagara ai laghi cinesi di Shichahai, dal fiume Hudson alla foresta pluviale amazzonica, dal ghiacciaio Perito Moreno alla Fontana di Trevi - ma anche di riflettere sulla necessità di tutelare e salvaguardare il patrimonio idrico del nostro pianeta.

Copertina rigida
ISBN 9788836644438 | pag. 320

Wonderland is dedicated to emotions. Our world seen as a huge amusement park, where emotions and feelings can be captured.

[…] Starting from the iconic park in Anaheim (California), founded in 1950’s by Walt Disney, the photographic shots act as a reflection on the pursuit of happiness and joy, ingrained in every human being. Through an unusual but successful combination of portraits and carousels, I tried to claim everyone’s right to dream. The close-ups of the portrayed people, men and women, children and the elderly, poor and rich, of different nationalities and races, reveal contrasting sensations: the adrenaline of excitement and enthusiasm, the desire of evasion, the ecstasy of flying, the imagining -eyes shut- of a journey towards elsewhere, but also the bliss of the descent, the emotion of returning after the escape, the safety of bringing feet back to the ground. This attraction for the unknown can only outline our impelling need for a different life, everyone toward his/her own Wonderland. […]

SILVANA EDITORIALE EDIZIONI formato 24×30cm | Copertina Rigida
ISBN 9788897776987 | pag. 128
95 immagini | bicromia

I have let myself be inspired by the light…

[…] The youngsters, male and female, who Campos photographs are especially striking: while he makes no concessions to their social condition, which is generally self-evidently harsh, the photographer captures their vitality and he projects them into our imagination, into a future realm which is yet to be discovered but which is full of possibilities, if only we work to create them. Thus, photography shows how it is able to stimulate, to work as a lever upon the way we see things so that seeing may turn into action. […]
– Mario Martone –

[…] In Campos’s images we encounter slices of life which, over and above cultural and religious differences, lead the eye to that contrast between black and white in which the artist himself finds “redemption” for the human condition. Campos says, “I have especially worked on the antithesis between light and shade and have let myself be inspired by the light”. In the Gospel “the life was the light of men; and the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not” (John, 1, 4-5). […]
– Mario Franco –

formato 17×24 cm | Brossura
ISBN 9788897776987 | pag. 496
385 immagini | tricromia